Thursday, January 22, 2015

period 3 semester final

1. What is your favorite photo from this Lens slideshow? Provide three reasons that it is your favorite.
My favorite picture from the Lens slideshow is the last one with the deer and the bird on the deer's back.  This is my favorite one because I like animals.  The silhouette of the animals also add an interesting effect to the picture, and I like the effect.  Also, in the caption of the photo, it says that the picture was taking in Richmond Park, London.  I've always wanted to go to London and to a place where I can see wild animals.

2. Which photo is the best from the slideshow? Provide three reasons.
The best photo from the slideshow is the second one with the Syrian Kurdish family.  This photo is the best because the picture captured an intense moment of the situation.  Not only is it candid, it also captures the emotions of the people in the picture.  Like the saying "A picture is worth a thousands words," this picture can almost write an article about how the people are feeling and the kind of situation they are in.  Each person focused to the camera (the mom and the two kinds) have a different emotion.  Lastly, it even includes Mr. Farley's rule of composition: get closer.  The subjects of the picture are close up and easy to distinguish. 

3. What is your best work this semester? Include the blog link. Give three reasons why this is your best work. If you had more time, how would you do to improve the project
My best work this semester is the shallow depth of field assignment.   This is my best work because it includes all of my rules of composition.  Also, I think the lighting in this picture is good; there are shadows in appropriate places and lights in appropriate places.  The shallow depth of field also creates a nice effect to the picture.  If I had more time, I would use my third rule of composition (fill the frame) even more.  There seems to be too much empty space on the bottom left side of the picture.

4. You chose three rules of composition. What are your three rules?
My three rules of composition are:
1) avoid the middle
2) rule of thirds
3) fill the frame

5. Select one of your own photos that illustrates your ability to apply at least two of the three rules. Insert the photo into the post and label the picture. Clearly include the two rules of composition that you are using.
Pavi gazing at the warrior mural on the gym wall.
This picture includes the rule of thirds and avoiding the middle.

6. I have three rules of composition. I have explained one already. What is my first rule?
Your first rule of composition is to get closer to the subject.

7. What are the benefits of working in groups? Provide a list with five benefits.
1. We can answer questions together without having to bother the instructor.
2. We can help each other to complete the task.
3. Group members can develop better communication skills.  
4. Work can get done faster.  Large tasks can be broken up to be finished.
5. Group members can acquire leadership skills.

8. What are the difficulties of working in groups? List five difficulties.
1. Some group members may slack/become lazy of because there are other group members that can do their job.
2. Differences in opinions may cause arguments.
3. A task may take longer to complete than one person doing the same task.
4. If one person slacks off, then the other group members might slack off with him/her.
5. Some group members may be uncomfortable to be with certain people.  

9. What is your favorite work product produced by another person in this class? Provide the link to their work.
My favorite work from Gracie Chan is her last picture in the  Masters of Photography assignment.  

A little history

10. You studied a master photographer and reproduced his or her work. Who was the photographer? What did the photographer contribute to the field of photographer? List one significant contribution.
My photographer was Robert Frank.  Frank took pictures that depicted real life.  

11. What is Dorothea Lange's most popular photo? (Does the photo have a name?) Where was the photo taken? When? What agency employed Dorothea when she took the photo?
Dorothea Lange's most popular photo is the "Migrant Mother."  This photo was taken on February, 1936 in Nipomo, California. She was employed by the Farm Security Administration (FSA).

12. Who was the creator/founder of Life Magazine? When did the (photojournalism) magazine begin publishing?
The founders of the Life Magazine wereJohn Ames Mitchell and Andrew Miller.  This magazine began publishing on January 4, 1883.

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of what organization? What year did the organization start?
He was the founding member of the Magnum Photos.  This organization started in the year 1947.

14. Robert Capa took the photo known as "Falling Soldier." When and where did he take the photo?
"Falling Soldier" was taken on September 5, 1936 in Cerro Muriano, Spain.

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